I had a person ask me what have I gotten out of entering in over 5,000 giveaways. Actually, a lot more than I thought! Not all are huge prizes, but it adds up.
With my system of using notepad and cut/paste I enter in a lot of giveaways quickly. There are a few that take FOREVER to enter because the comment box is in the blog and not in a new window and you have to enter in a code which makes the page reload and TAKES forever! People, please make the comments in their own window!!! Also some make you wait about 15 seconds before you can comment again, I HATE that, so I usually load up another tab and start working on another giveaway. Then, I go back to the other one and hit enter every 15 seconds with my comment. Plus, some blogs I almost know the set-up by memory, so that makes it easier too!
Okay now for what I have won AND received. I wish I could remember where I got these, but I didn't write that part down and as soon as the item arrives I kill the emails to free space:
Items that are over 2 months not received:
Buddy Top - Piggy (OVER 2 MONTHS 1/26/10)
Zebra tutu size 18-24 mos (OVER 2 MONTHS 2/1/10)
Celtic Woman "Songs of the Heart" DVD (OVER 2 MONTHS 3/18/10)
Wonder Hangers (OVER 2 MONTHS 5/9/10)
Poppa and I Trendy Infants Yellow Double Giraffe T-Shirt 5T (OVER 2 MONTHS 5/13/10)
Eco Luxe Life $20 giftcard (OVER 2 MONTHS 6/19/10)
Wild Texas Wear - 1836 tee and Bucking Horse tee (OVER 2 MONTHS 6/19/10)
the new dad co - Full Speed New Dad T-Shirt Set (OVER 2 MONTHS 6/26/10)
Zibits Mini R/C Robot (OVER 2 MONTHS 7/1/10)
Bubble Dark and Milk Chocolate Bars from Bubble Chocolate (OVER 2 MONTHS 7/9/10)
iPod touch 2g 3g Case | touch Hard Case & Stand (OVER 2 MONTHS 8/6/10)
Carolina Inn Dinner (OVER 2 MONTHS 8/18/10)
Whole Foods $10 gift card (OVER 2 MONTHS 9/9/10)
Won also but awaiting to arrive:
30 Tooth Tissue Wipes
Personalized tile coasters from Angel Ellie
Personlized monogram
$25 Gift Certificate to Eden's Fantasy
Barney: Please & Thank You DVD
Loobalee account for 6 month membership with unlimited listings and $15 shopping credit
Henna Dangling Donut necklace
Tasty Baby Fruit Snacks
Valentine Crow COMPLETE with Ghirardelli Chocolate Square - Crow 1, 3
Reading Shopper Glasses - The Magnum +3 in bronze
Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce 2 bottles x3
Reading Glasses - The Jessica Sun Reader in dark pink frame
snugglie for kids
Blush Topless Undershirt
Alphabet Photography
FREE One 3-log Bundle of Duraflame Stax logs x2
Wiggle Time month long subscription
me4kids first aid kit
The Old El Paso Big Game Prize Pack (Two cans of Old El Paso Green Chiles are also included.)
Soy Delite candle
Monave eyeshadow (3) and eyeliner
$10 Home Depot Gift Card
Golden moon tea
Add More ~Ing to Your Life book
$50 off $100 purchase at Old Navy
Pearl Cards
Cleo the Bunny
Fresh Organic Travel Pack
$30 Jiffy Lube gift card
Safety Tats
Frosty Friends Earrings
Triaminic Thin Strips (which comes with 3 boxes)
$15 best Buy Card
Beyond the Attractions book
Free GM cereal coupon
30-day supply of Evora Plus
Torchlighter's Jim Elliot DVD
A "Strapped Belts" Buckle and Belt Set: Black Buckle with Red and White Strings with a Black Strap
Felt Lady Bug on Handmade Valentine Card
Denise's Daily Dozen book
EcoSmart Safe Plant & Garden Value Bundle (Organic Insect Repellent, Garden Fungicide, Garden Insect Killer, Weed & Grass Killer)
DAY RUNNER Tel/Address Pages & A-Z Tab Directory Refills
Whitney Houston: Deluxe Anniversary Edition CD
Lands' End Fine Gauge V-Neck Sweater (XL True Navy)and Heritage Poplin Shirt (XL Gull Gray)
Potty Tots kit for a girl
Ketchup Charlie, Mustard Marvin, Toothpaste Oscar, Toothpaste Pete, and milk head from Spread Heads
TWO BIRDIE Ornaments
Three pack Dentyne gum sample consisting of Arctic Chill, Spearmint and Peppermint Flavors
The Recipe Club: A Tale of Food and Friendship
Snappi fastener in green
GIELLA custom blend cosmetics~ Lipstick & Blush
Freckles Galore! Crayon Roll Up - Ladybug
3 month premium memberships to Zoodles
Farrielle Design - bracelet
March On! The Day My Brother Martin Changed the World Dvd Giveaway
Tropical Traditions QUART size coconut oil x3
Citracal Plus Heart Health
Mary Kay Satin Hands Pampering Set
Valentines YooHoo friends
Spicy Ginger cookies from Pamela’s Products
Eden Fantasys $50 GC
EcoSmart Safe Home Value Bundle (Ant and Roach Killer, Home Pest Control, Flying Insect Killer, Insect Repellent)
$20 Amazon.com gift certificate
$25 box of surprise Hair Accessories
Organic Sun n' Fun Baby Sunscreen and Organic Forget Me Knot Hair Detangler
Let's Grow: Lend a Helping Hand DVD
ImagiPLAY Veggie Cutting Set
I'm a Rock Star CD by Joanie Leeds and the Nightlights
A Black Tie Affair by Sherrill Bodine x2
Laminated Owl With Flowers Placemat and Laminated Owl on a Stump Placemat
eShakti $20 gift certificate
3 Amy's Organic Soup and a lunch tote
Stenciled Gnome Dish Towel Set
A Set of 3 Custom Monogrammed Boutique Bows
Cir*Kis game
Loopit! Board Game
Star Struck Soundtrack
Survivors Club Book x3
Chicken Soup for the Soul: True Love!
Oh, baby! 7 ways a baby will change your life the first year book
Where The Jobs Are Now book
Love Broke Through CD by Jennifer Shaw
Angels Who They Are by Dr. David Jeremiah
Aaron Nigel Smith featuring the Activators CD
coupons for FREE Chavrie and Alouette cheese products
Childs St. Eve's Cozy
Baby Pom Pom Hat
Bird Pendent with Cambria on it
Sonnets for Sinners book
Heart Keychain Charm - Sisters Forever and ever
Air Bud DVD
Peacock or Flower Thank You cards
Babyliss Pro Mini Flat Iron
Rainbow Brite CD pack x9
Seduced by a Rogue book x2
Puppy Party DVD
K'Nex set
ZooShoo Bamboo Office 40-grey pumps
Metal Photo Frame with engraving: Beauty is within you Love always
Who Owns the World Book
Ecstasy Unveiled by Larissa Ione x2
Cowgirl Chocolate 1/3 lb sampler x2
Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce 2 bottles
Sweethearts Candy
Monkey Mind Design "Merci" 8-Postcard Set
What I Know, a beautiful book with universal truths from 10-year and 100-year olds
Rosa's fudge - 6 pieces of fudge x2
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teacher Tales x2
Rainbow Brite doll
Katydid Diaper
Revive Shower Gel Kit
Corked: A Memoir! book
Do It or Age Quickly by JB Berns book
Tropical Traditions Coconut Peanut Butter
8th Confession by James Patterson book
Musicolor Toy
Baby Bathing Basics Gift Bag
Amy's Kitchen Organic Soups Prize Pack
Needles and Kims $15 GC
6 Thanks Tags from Conncall
Alice Drink Me Pendant necklace
black Vemayca bag
Who Loves the Little Lamb book
Free Style on DVD
$50 Safeway gift card
4 Bottle of First Juice
Curious George 2 Soundtrack
45/90 load bag of soap from Rockin' Green - Vanilla Lavender
Finding Inner Peace During Troubled Times book
Custom calendar with cambria's name on it
Fit band in Mod Pink
Naturally Fresh deodorant stick, spray, and roll on, and the MoistStic natural lip protection
3 tutorials from Whimsy Couture
Freedom Gifts Peppermint Scented Tee (XL)
Truly Mom Chocolate Cozy Thermal shirts (XL)
Fairytale Sprite Dozen of brownies
St. Patrick Swirl Earrings
$25 GC to ecostore USA: Vanilla Soap, Citrus Spray Cleaner, Auto Dish Powder
Countess of Scandal by Laurel McKee book
Dare to Surrender Romance by Lilli Feisty book
Sleep No More by Susan Crandall book
mineral basics 15 free makeup samples of your choice
1 bottle of each cat formula and dog formula from Get Serious
Reading Shopper Glasses - The Magnum +3.5 in bronze
Love In 90 Days by Diana Kirschner
The Ultimate NASCAR Insider's Track Guide: Everything You Need to Plan Your Race Weekend by Liz Allison
A Good Talk by Daniel Menaker book
Boats of Vietnam Reprint by Mahlow's Mosaics
Exuviance Heel Repair cream
5 - $5 from Honey Nut Cheerios
Red Light, Green Light, Eat Right by Joanna Dolgoff, MD
ONE Sandwich Reusable Bag
Shushybye Book and Close Your Eyes CD
Caught'ya Grammar Book
“Perfect Nursery” Product Pack containing two Q-tips Baby Packs and a silver elephant bank
1-month supply of EvoraKids probiotic mints
$25 GC to Fibers.com - Cambria Dino t-shirt
Horizon Organic Chocolate Milk coupons x3
Scrubz $15 Certificate x2
Q.bel All Natural Chocolate Covered Wafers
4 fizz cups
4-packs of SKOY Cloths x3
“So You Want to be President?” Scholastic DVD
coupon for a FREE Bag of Ore-Ida Steam n’ Mash Potatoes
10 - Pace Picante sauce bottles (recieved 8)
Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy Book Autographed by the Author, Tina Turbin
He Crashed Me So I Crashed Him Back book
Bluedominoes finger paints set
Expressiva Nursing $35 gift certificate - Dress
$20 GC to BigDigSpa.com - collar and tag for Beaker
Passion game
The Risk Takers book
Never Say Never book
one package of Canker Cover
one bottle of Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies
Softlips PURE flavors set
MyClyns germ protection spray
$15 GC to Piggy Paint - 2 nail polishes
full size bottle of Skin MD Shielding Lotion
BABYBJÖRN Babysitter Balance
Nature's Gate Aloe Vera velvet Body Wash
Pacific Play Tents "My" Play Tent
Chicken Soup for the Soul: NASCAR
Nescafe mug and six stick packs of the different Nescafe Taster’s Choice flavors
Cafe Press t-shirt: chown -R me you Dark T's
Green Poppy Clutch
On-the-Go Inflatable Potty Seats: Pink w/Character Inflatable Potty Seat x2
Human Nature: Reach Out (signed copy)
Joey Jr Original Purse Organizer
Slob Proof! book by Debbie Wiener
Change Your Eating Change Your Life, a Guide to Healthy Eating and Eating Shouldn't Hurt. Nourishment for Your Whole Body
A box of Organic Chocolate Chip Mini Cookies & a box of Organic Oatmeal Cookies from HomeFree
Mixed Package of Sport Ola Loa, that will contain: Mango Tangerine, Mixed Berry & Lemon Lime flavors. 30 packets
coupon for a week’s supply of the all-new Cruisers with Dry Max and a Liz Lange diaper clutch
The 3-Day Cleanse book
Doors Open by Ian Rankin
The Art of Choosing by Sheena Iyengar book
PUR Sigg Water Bottle
Le Baby Hair Gel
$35 Benihana gift card sent to Wendy
Hey, Rabbit! book
Off white Handmade Scarf The Hip Chick Boutiqu
Critter Crayons - Green Tyrannosaurus
truvia prize pack - canvas tote, gardening gloves and a 40 count box of truvia sweetner
EXPO Washable Dry Erase Markers set
Envirosax bag in Mikado Bag 5
$40 Right on the Walls Gift - Tavern sign for David's office
Lil Zoey Zebra hat
Pillsbury Orange Sweet Roll - one package of rolls and a photo album
full line of Pine-Sol products, a tote bag and Pine-Sol sponges
Meet the Rizers CD
Mini Flowers and Dots Bag from Lazy Apples
Multi Use Easel-Orange from Pkolino
LobotoME MomME Planner
One coupon for a package of free Breyer's YoCrunch yogurt x2
Jordan book
A Touch of Scandal by Jennifer Haymore
Backseat Drawing game from Out Of the Box
Wett Giggles Cato - grape soap
Pop Top Bracelet
5x7 of her Sunlight and Trees photo Melody Giveaway
Dilly Giggles Lip Balm Party Pack - Cocoa Kisses
Green Golly & Her Golden Flute CD x2
45/90 load bag of soap from Rockin' Green - Monkey Snacks scent
Groovy print cloth diaper from Happy Heinys
Savvy Cents Wallet
Bathtime Triple Combination Gift Set from Sweetly You
Jonas Brothers Build-A-Bear dogs
Simply Go-gurt prize pack
Nourish Your Inner Goddess gift pack - slippers, plush towel wrap around, Bath spa set, 2 coupons for Greek yogurt
Lee's Crossroads Candles - 16 oz. Jar Candle in Summer Storm
Fleur de Sel Sampler Box of candy
Easy Lunchboxes - Dark Red
Footlong Nation Appreciation T-Shirt
The Girl She Used to Be book
Mommy Power by Sheila Schuller Coleman
45/90 load bag of soap from Rockin' Green - Baby Powder scent
2 Rumble Tuff Changing Pad Terry Covers - burgundy and seafoam colors
Pet Sleeping Bag Bed
Punkaboo Gift Package: 1 Sheet of Small Waterproof Labels, 1 Sheet of Large Waterproof Labels and 2 Bag Tags
Yellow Blanket from ProudTots
ERGObaby Doll Carrier
Dark Deceptions book
mixed cased of Zevia all natural, diet, zero calorie soda
Shift Your Habit book
ReGeN Flash Foaming Lotion
The Olive Tree Boutique - hair clip
BRUGO Travel Mug
Bella Sara Sunflowers series card packs, along with one Miniatures Series 3
two pack of Soothie pacifiers
Extract DVD
Emerson Creek Pottery - Classic Wisteria Mug
bottle of Smelly Towel Cleaner
Charm Factory Heart Locket
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Mom
Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel DVD
reusable tote bag, a package of each Ecominders product, along with an organic tee
Overall Beauty Set - Desert Sun, Midnight Blue, Copper Petal, Malachite, Princess mineral eye shadow
I Has A Hotdog Book x3
The Autism Book
Everyday Minerals Truly Tiger Blush
Skinfix Body Repair Paste
Bebe Bella Designs
$25 gift certificate to Dali Decals
Likas Organic - Eco Princess - Toddler Tee shirt
The Madeline Movie: Lost in Paris DVD
20 X 24 Poster from Wall Stickers
3 piece bow collection and a 3"x3" custom portrait magnet for dogs
Carolina Pad - The Simply Chic mom packages
custom Korker Hair Bow from KirksiPoo
Make Ahead Meals Cookbook
sample pack of two packettes of Zestra
coupon for a Freschetta FlatBread Pizza
Cakes & Beans necklace tee 4T
$10 GC to GiftZip.com Fandago
Pink/White Boomerang size 12, Madagascar - Gloria Crew Sock, Hearts - Stars Crew Sock
Sweet Leaf Bath Co Sweet Sugar Scrub
Joey Junior Foldable Purse Hanger - Purple Passion
Higher Education by Kennieth Jedding
Sunglass Warehouse SW Kid's Style #21 Pink Frame
Guy & Eva Jewelry Surprise
Click Starter Package
Bella Tunno Oopsie Ditty Wristlet
All Purpose Soap - Peppermint
Walter Beasley: Sax Meditations cd
chocolate or night flex Baby Bond
coupon for a free Edwards Singles A La Modes
FREE coupon good for 1 Claim Jumper Pie
Sunsweet reusable shopping bag and VIP coupons good for any Sunsweet product up to a $5.50 value
Daisy Patch Blueberry Sprinkles Mini Me Sized Interchangeable Watch Band
bumjoy cloth diaper in GREEN
MagnaPods cosmetic Organizer and the Tooth Brush Holder
3 Juno Baby DVDs
Baby Orajel Smart Dose Teething Gel
Baby Orajel Cooling Cucumber Teething Gel
Jade South Design - Peridot and Pearl in Sterling Silver Earrings
Nutrition at Your Fingertips book by: Elisa Zied, M.S.
The Magic School Bus and the Climate Challenge & T-Shirt
Rubik’s with a Solution Guid
$24 GC to Axl's Closet - Blue dress
3 coupons for a Freschetta FlatBread Pizza
Bugz or Underwater Adventure - Blue Fandangling
10-Pack of Organic Wash Cloths (in the clover color) and 100% Natural Aloe Baby Suds from Kate Quinn Organics
Delicate Soles x2
Baby Orajel Tooth and Gum Cleanser or the Toddler Training Toothpaste
Library Book with Bow 5x7 photograph City Light Print
Daisy K Designs Nursing Cover
Bath Luve Fish
E-Cloth Kitchen and Screen Cleaning Packs
$10 MixMyGranola gift certificate - Chocolate mix
Cameron Rafati Cd
$25.00 gift code to Phyllis Jean Modest Clothing - jen shirt, cammy dress
1 bottle of Smelly Washer Cleaner
Bella Sara Sunflowers series card packs, along with one Miniatures Series 3
The Baby Dipper
Curious Chef 17-piece Measure and Prep Kit
Jenulence 3 -piece , mineral makeup gift set, containing foundation/concealer, finishing powder and blush
"Where's Spot?" animated children's DVD
ScrapSmart Victorian Children Cards & Envelopes CD
Gluten Free Bread Machine Cookbook
Getaway Kit from Adult Sex Toys
KN Karen Neuburger Chenille Lounge socks
A String Ring
TWO Fiesta Oval Platters in Sunflower, 13 5/8" and 9 5/8"
Allens Quality Vegetables - 6 free coupons
Me-Time DVD
Joe's Shirt - Black Dragon - Adult Large
This Is Why You're Fat Book
Lindsey Ray: Picture Perfect CD
Charice Pyramid CD
Gorton's calendar, 1 free coupon Gorton's product, an electronic Sudoku game
Pipila Portable Pacifier Sanitizer
12 bottles of Nourish Toddler
Fix-It and Forget-It Cookbook
Membership on Wholesale Costume Club
One eskimO CD
Gorton 18 month calendar with monthly coupons and recipes in it and 2 free product coupons
Ecover Dish Washing Liquid
Ecover Bathroom Cleaner
Next Day Flyers $25.00 gift certificate
4 delicious hand-crafted, home-baked sugar cookies from Sandy's Baking Memories - Pirate Ship
Petit Couture $25 Gift Card - Toddler Karate Pant Black 6x
Barney On the Go DVD Pack
Pink Rumble Tuff Fitted Crib/Toddler Bed Sheet
Lenox Butterfly Plate
Fortune Buddha Celebriduck
Strider PREbike Cadillac, helmet, and bike accessories
sample VaselineMen Products
Street Boners book
Eat! Move! Play! Book
I Have a Song CD
$25 Publix Gift Card from Coke Instant Win
$50 gift certificate to SupplementSource.ca
Carolina Pad Chat Collection Bundle: 1 notebook, 3 2-pocket folders, and a binder
ElliGrace baby gift set: wipe case, a layered boutique style bow, 2 burp cloths, bib
$10 off a $50 purchase at Lowes
Membership on Wholesale Costume Club sent to Erin
Membership on Wholesale Costume Club sent to Tony
Poppy Patterns - Kensington Square pattern
Bottle of Belly Boost
Lysol Spray and Wipes
Omaha Steaks $20 gift card
Sex and the City 2 Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Grab Guard
Culterelle shirt - I Heart Bacteria Shirt x6
Chunky Bling Watch - Madison Avenue band and Small Diamond Black watch face
mini caboodle purse with 2 bink’d original designs - lady bug and panda
box of SKINNEEZ toys
The Baby Bunch organic cupcake onesies
Soup Plantation Meal Pass - Sent to Hana
Juppy Walker
Flicka 2 DVD
Kokopax hopscotch City Carrier and espresso (18-24) Sun Hat
Yantra Mat
Snack Attack book by Elizabeth Monacelli
Dry Pro Cast and Bandage Protector
Boxed Set of 8 Four Seasons Note Cards from Mary Foster
Clarisea Clarifying Salt Treatment Face + Body Soak
The Host by Stephenie Meyer
BEARPAW - Creekside Rain Boots Womens - Black
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Dad book
Kyla Jane, Donny, and Tabby PakNaks
$10 gift certificate to Shelly's Knitting - Crocheted Water Bottle Holder/Cozy
Macy Gray's The Sellout Album
Inspired by Finn - 13.5 inch Amethyst Gemstone
RescueGirl Yoga Deck
Easy Lunchboxes - Purple
Ecco Bella Mist Summer Fruit and Violet Eyeliner
I Spy A Dragonfly book
Scentsy ABC warmer and one bar of Red Candy Apple
The Norsk Woodshop Koa Wood Cigar Pen
Fresh Organics Pomegranate Fig lotion and Smooth Shave, Mountain Sage
Flings Bins - BBQ/Picnic Bin
$100 CSN gift certificate
travel size CleanWell Hand Sanitizer
Annie Chun's - 5 Noodle or Soup Bowls
Baby Magic gift bag
Bare Escentuals Mascara
Rhythm and Blues CD
Putumayo Rhythm and Blues cd
Montana Legacy book
Knight of Passion by Margaret Mallory
The Knight Life - “CHiVaLRY aiN’T DeaD” by Keith Knight
Powermat Home & Office Mat: 2x Receiver Case for iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS x2, 1x Universal Powercube Receiver
Tommee Tippee: 3 pack of 5oz closer to nature bottle set
$30 gift certificate to Trudie Davies Designs - necklace fro Sammy
Blue Flo by Boon Inc
Bean-B-Clean Massaging Brush
4Moms Goodnight Sleep Trainer
Smiley Cookies - 1 dozen
Audiobook: The Broom of the System
$25 Kroger gift card
Miss Tutu - how to make a tutu DVD
The Whimsical Garden Vinyl Decal set
1oz travel-size and a 4oz Hydrating Moisturizer w/SPF 15 from KINeSYS
Ginger Millermon CD: Rescued
The GiggleBellies DVD
Renee Fleming: Dark Hope CD
Dove Men+Care body wash, bar, and scrubber
So Nurturing wrap - blue and brown dots fabric
Good Earth Dinner Kit plus Dining Goodies
Wishes and Kisses blanket and rattle
aden and anais: set of issie security blankets, nay nay - butterfly issie security blanket
Eat Whatever mints: 10 gel caps and 10 mints
8 ounce container of Sand Gone
Wilton Cupcake Stand and Decorating Set
Binski's Studio bibs
Eco-Lips SPF 15 Berry lip balm with an Eco Clip
Sun Sensitive Fabric kit
Silk Pure Almond coupon and a Silk Pure Almond ChicoBag
coupon of Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach
Into the Beautiful North: A Novel by Luis Alberto Urrea
“Standing Ovation”: 5 song CD, Hat, Tank Top, Water Bottle, Frisbee, Pink Wig, Bracelets, Poster, Bookmarks
Hapari $96 GC: Amer Girl Butterfly Tankini, Tummy Tuk Red/White PD Bottoms/PD Skirt, Black Shore (Crop Top)
Tumbleweed Bead Co. Small Silver Leaf and Turquoise Bead Earrings
The Barmaid Drink Rimmer & Cocktail Spice Sampler
ARM & HAMMER Pet Fresh with Fresh-ins Pack
3 piece pink hoodie outfit from Apple Bottoms size 3-6 months
Baby Body Signs book
DownEast swimwear - Santa Barbara Halter, ocean & white and Santa Cruz Bikini Skirt, ocean
Rudi's Organic Bakery - 1 coupon for bread
Eli's Cheesecake Candy Crazy Cheesecake Sampler
Pump It Up goodie bag x2
Princess Linens Lunch Tote Blue Lunch Tote, kristen font
charm factory Peridot Bracelet with Crystal Hearts
Rattle On CD by The Rattles x5
Batch of Candied Chipotle Bacon from Hash Delectable Edibles
ThermaFuse Shampoo and Conditioner
Still the One by Robin Wells Book
Juppy Walker Pink with "Olivia"
DVD Wild About Safety with Timon & Pumbaa: Safety Smart in the Water
Breeze Comfort Sports Bra Burgundy/Black Yin Yang (m)
$30 gift card to Playful Threads
Kymaro Backless Bra in Nude
Plow and Hearth 3 in 1 Dessert Center
SmartKnitBigKIDS Seamless Socks - Crew Socks (small white)
WHIMSY: The Audrey Ring & Chamilia Bead
Field Roast free product coupons
Purely Products SunMate
Explorer X-Alpha book
Kinder Kitchen's Crocodile Jaws
The Pack book
2 Coupons for Free Minute Rice products
2 Fling Bins: 1 BBQ and 1 Recycle
2 Coupons each for Popsicle products
John Mark McMillan's new album The Medicine
tag a longs in blueberry
sandwich and snack Reusies: Hide & Seek
Gorton's Seafood 2 free product coupons
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief DVD
Spiffy Kids plate
Nick Chavez Beverly Hills Honey Hair Kit
Baby Prodigy 30 Minutes to a Quiet Baby and First Words 2 DVD
GoodGoes.org pedometer
Somersault Snacks: 4 flavors in the 6 oz size
Coupon for breyers smooth and dreamy ice cream
Baby Hip Huggar
3 month supply of Nature Made SAM-e
Clean B wipe cubes
Nanny McPhee Returns prize pack: Youth Shirt, Notebook, Lunchbox, Crayon Wheel
Pedia Lax Fiber Gummies
Calgon Refreshing Body Mist
iStyle Originals t-shirt
First Impressions Baby Gift Set
Jensen Project DVD and CD sound track
EclipseSpa's Sugar Scrub in red roses
Snikiddy Snacks
Just Jen Custom T-shirt: Skull T Shirt
Alight.com Shirt
Princess Linens Doodlebugz Crayola Crayon Keeper
Squinkies Surprize Inside 16 Doll Bubble Pack
Dryel Starter Kit
Sorbee: prize pack of their products
sterling silver "Love me Knot" necklace from Courtney of Modern Meets Whimsy
shoeline.com: Born Ofelia shoes
Link of Support: Sterling Silver Single Link of Support Necklace
coupon good for a multi-pack of Breyers YoCrunch Fruit Parfait
16 piece box of truffles from Illinois Nut and Candy
Margay lunch bag in eggplant
Nutella hazelnut spread
EcoMom $20 worth of Plum it Revolution Foods
FIVE $3.00 OFF Boost Kid Essentials Coupons
chicBuds Black Speaker ipod case
$25 Southwest Gift Card from Coke Instant Win
Cooking FUNdamentals cookbook
Baby Body Sings
Snikiddy Snacks
Eco Ike Cookbook
Yo Gabba Gabba!: Music is Awesome Volume 1 CD and Yo Gabba Gabba! Clubhhouse DVD
Nanny McPhee Returns prize pack: Youth Shirt, Notebook, Lunchbox, Crayon Wheel
Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten book
Rock Star Miles Paper Jamz
EcoSMART Safe Lawn and Outdoor Value Bundle
Penguins of Madagascar DVD
Posh Blankets: custom Designed Lovey
Mareblu Naturals (18 bar) Variety Pack
Pureology: SuperSmooth Smoothing Cream
Lip Clear Lysine+
Charm Factory Amethyst Bracelet with Crystal Hearts
Abbe Designs: Leaping Ladybug Lunch Tote for Samantha
NurseryLove: Newborn Flashcards PDF
2 bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce
Rubbermaid Reveal Mop
Name Crosses 8×10 print
Still the One by Robin Wells Book
Mithril Dreams teething ring necklace and a teething ring
It's Either Her or Me Book
box of CharcoCaps
Boon Grass Drying Rack