We've owned three or four deep fryers over the years, and I think we may have found the last one we're going to need for a long time to come, the Presto GranPappy Electric Deep Fryer f

Our previous deep fryer, for example, had a primary bucket, a snap-on control unit that dipped a heating coil into the bucket and clung to the main body, the main body in which the bucket rested, a hinged lid with a window and carbon filters, and a collapsable basket that would hang on little hinges on the side of the unit to be dipped into the oil. We're talking about several pieces with lots of little nooks and crannies, and the grease would inevitably find its way into all of it. Not to mention that wire mesh basket was just impossible to get completely clean. Things would cling to it to no end. It was disgusting.

Let's go over a few things that set this unit apart from other units we've owned over the years:

2. No basket. I know, instinct tells us that we want to use a basket. After all, that's what they use in the fast food places, so it must be better, right? Ask yourself... is anything about fast food really better than your own cooking? Also, those baskets are cleaned using industrial cleaning methods by minimum wage employees. You don't have industrial cleaning methods in your kitchen, and your time at home is worth more than minimum wage. Ditch the basket, use a scoop. The scoop gives you more control over individual items, and it's easier to clean. It's just a utensil that washes like any other.

3. No moving parts. You don't need a lid when cooking. In fact, you don't want a lid when cooking. The steam is supposed to escape, and you're supposed to watch the food to know when it's done. No moving parts means no places for grease and grime to gather.
Honestly, this is easily the best deep fryer I've ever owned. It's quick and easy to grab, use, clean if necessary, and store. No mess, no fuss. And on sale for $44.99 right now at the CSN Store, I would buy one for my relatives in a heart beat to replace their old over the top deep fryers.
1 comment:
Love onion rings! I have one of those deep fryers with temp. control, hinged lid, basket etc. etc. and at first thought it would be easier but I rarely use it because it is a pain! Hard to clean, dangerous to lift the lid to check if food is ready, and half the stuff I make in it burns because I can't see inside. This one looks great!
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